Immerse yourself in this lifestyle

We cannot stay in the parishes waiting for people to arrive and tell us about their problems.

We have to go out looking as Christ went out looking for EVERYONE.

We understand that only through prayer and fraternal life can we be instruments of the Trinity to collaborate in the search for the most wounded people. Hence, the mission is an extension of one's own daily prayer. As the great Saint Dominic de Guzmán came to express, encouraging his Dominican friars to pray and give what they pray to the world


Pilgrimage to Medjugorge, Fatima, WYD... coexistence, sharing the word of God, online night prayer groups with the prayer of Compline , training "the process of old age" to accompany the elderly

hospital for the soul

Currently, we have only one healing house that is located in the town of Lebrija, Seville.

This fraternity is dedicated to the healing of women, and open on weekends, to welcome people who want to spend a few days in retreat or coexistence from our spirituality.

In these houses, the aim is to create an atmosphere of brotherhood, learning virtues such as learning to ask for forgiveness, listening to others, solving a problem or a friction with someone in a communicative way without anger or rancor.

It is a house where women of any age are welcomed to help them restore their lives; mature their psychology and affectivity; guide them to value their own existence. But, fundamentally, to help them heal the main wound that leads us to go through complicated situations and to feel empty and dissatisfied with the reality in which we live. That wound is the lack of true love: the love that forgives, that listens, that lifts up, that gives without measuring and without blaming, that supports and helps our will to demand to wish to make those around us happy.

What is a healing home?