"Empty yourself of what you are full of, so that you can be filled with what you are empty of"

San Agustin




It is a cleaning process in which it is possible to eliminate everything that in the soul builds walls of inner slavery that incapacitate the person to be happy and make others happy.

The weakness or annulment of the will prevents us from doing everything on our part to fix situations, even minor ones. It makes it difficult for us to get out of vices, want to make others happy or avoid selfishness.

We believe that the key to healing is: to be loved. A love that is discovered by few people, since it is not a sensitive, material, or sexual love, etc., it is the beauty of learning to love without asking for anything in return, of accepting everyone as they are and of being loved. for what we are and not for what they pretend we are or have.


We often receive and, above all, give advice to others for their problems. I suppose you have experienced that you do not live on advice, nor do you forget a rejection, nor do you overcome the selfishness that prevents me from giving you to the people who love you.

Virtue, that is, the acquisition of good and stable habits, allows your interior to always want to make others happy.

This does not happen when we only seek advice. Virtue convinces the soul, the advice temporarily deludes it.




A BASE and primordial PILLAR in coexistence is fraternity. Living together based on mutual respect, dedication to others, understanding and listening to the usual friction that occurs in a coexistence, it will be possible to face any problem, strengthening the will. The will is key to internally heal any ailment.

The weakness or annulment of the will prevents us from doing everything on our part to fix situations, even minor ones.

against the current

Crucial point is learning to reflect and not accept according to which ideologies because the whole society lives and tolerates them.

The first step for this society to change is you. I have to start by attending to my own conscience, to the natural law itself to know which path to follow and where to go.

From that consciousness a direction will be dazzled. And in it, I will discover the path of good, of happiness for all. That is doing the right thing because when the objectives are clear it is very easy to discern.

Choosing the right path, that is, the happy one, will not be easy. By the way, a wise man said: brave is the one who tells the truth, knowing that he will lose everything "But another wise man like Jesus Christ said:" everyone who believes in me, even though he has died, will live ".

They may pretend that they have annihilated us, but the real death is that of that person who does not know how to live. That even being able to live, he does not live.

”I am Jaime and for me, belonging to the mission group and having been found by Jesus through them has been like having a second family. For the simple fact that in difficult times they have been there to help and accompany me. I have started my spiritual path in which they have guided me and taught me to know how to be a better person, but not to stay in myself but to help others.

For me, the fact that they are there means a lot because they are part of my life. They have helped me when I have wanted to listen and when I have not been so willing.

They are a group that you can count on so that you can manage your emotions, daily problems that arise in life and above all, they are a very close family who know their defects, virtues, sorrows and joys. They are not afraid to show themselves as they are "

- Jaime H. de Jesus

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Brian Moten


”For me the support of this association has been very important. I met the consecrated woman of this fraternity and her members in a moment of despair in which I did not know what to do. Thanks to the fact that they listened to me and, above all, they accompanied me, I was able to have hope again that I had someone to turn to and who to ask for help.

This time has not been easy. I have gone through postpartum depression after the birth of my first child. Along with this, I have been dealing with work-my only means of subsistence-and with the care of my son. He was suffocating me. I am still healing the wound that I have from refusing to ask for help to avoid bothering. With you I vent, I protect myself, I open my heart. Little by little I am coming out of depression. I still have a hard road ahead but I know that I AM NOT ALONE anymore.

- Sandra

"Christ heals.

Sometimes it is strange to talk about it because we live in such a superficial society... that when we talk about healing we only conceive of the physical part: a genetic disease, a virus, a mental disability, cancer. However, we never consider soul wounds important. Wounds that are often not even treated because we do not know how to cure them.

I don't know if there are remedies in the world or if, one day, they will invent the magic pill of happiness. I only know that everything that society invited me to try never worked for me.

Suddenly, you meet Christ, and everything changes. Suffering is transformed, above all, what happens is that you become. It's not magic, it's supernatural reality, that's when He allows you to see everything valuable in you and everything you're called to be.

I am convinced that it is necessary to foster communities such as the ones we form, because we replicate the essence of our vocation as creatures in all its dimensions: to love and be loved in the intimate, interpersonal and communal areas”

- Jaime Gomez