"love like no one has ever hurt you"

"Love as if nobody had hurt you" is the motto that accompanies us on this exciting path.

A demanding motto but one that sums up the entire essence of the healing that Christ performs in the soul of each person who is available for it.

Most of the wounds that happen to us, almost always, have a lack of love as a background. This is quite common because when no one loves me gratuitously and purely, such as the one God the Father has with us... we submerge ourselves in a state of abandonment, sadness, hopelessness, disappointment.

Socially, the reaction that we are invited to live is the opposite: "the more damage they do to you, the worse it reacts because it is fair"; or that phrase of "we are not stupid, otherwise they will take advantage of your nobility"; "We are women, we have to make ourselves respected", etc., etc.

Some time ago I read a very clarifying and real reflection that said: "the heart does not belong to the one who breaks it, but to the one who repairs it". Therefore, the love of Christ is capable of healing any breakup, depression or anxiety, any disappointment or loss.

The wounds create a stain that prevents us from leaving the egoism where they make us remain. Therefore, it is urgent to heal in order to restore our affectivity, psychology, spirituality, but also our relationships with others. The way we treat them, we look at them, we make them happy.

Only when the heart is free of prejudices, selfishness, envy, possessive affections, addictions... only then can you become happy even if you have nothing. True love is capable of completely restoring a shattered life.

Because this is not easy, this is why this healing house is opened to accompany, day by day, these people to go on restoring, according to their own abilities and the time that God needs to restore the damage in the history of each person.

That is the purpose of this house. We do not intend to adopt the bases of a social center; nor do we want to be the usual punctual reception place.

It is the hospital of the soul. It is a fraternity, a home, a family where we all help each other in this task because Christ is the only doctor.

For that reason, we are only instruments. The members who collaborate want to become as close as a brother, as a family member. That is the reason why we do not catalog volunteers or workers. We form this work: consecrated women, lay people, young people, adults... Being under the direction of the authentic initiator of this work, who is the Holy Spirit, whose dialogue he wanted to transmit to a consecrated woman.

Healing from Mary

We have Mary at the center of our mission as the first one who welcomed all human beings into her heart: the faithful, those close or far away, traitors and those who remained faithful. She is the mother who educates the Church and leads her back to the sentiments of the heart of Christ.

Healing from Maria is a very consoling refuge that fills the soul with strength and encourages it to appreciate the value of living.

In the heart of Mary we find those virtues that heal us and prepare us to establish relationships with others.

From her we learn to listen and wait for the exact moment to talk about her using the least hurtful word, the most patient attitude.

From our Mother we learn strength not to victimize ourselves in the face of unfortunate events or people we cannot stand.

She is the woman who teaches us to be a woman. The woman who is not sentimental but who balances her emotions, who gives herself without asking for anything in return, who senses what the other person may need, understands the pain or the situation of others.

HIM... true love

Knowing that only the charity of Christ can facilitate in people the disposition to the grace of God, its members will announce that love with the experience, in their own lives, of this charity of Christ. Then, in their own homes, and finally, in their fields of work. Without forgetting that, after this main duty, they will keep in mind that we will go where there is more darkness and where more wounded people need us to bring them the light of Christ; whether these people are rich or poor, more educated or less, etc.

We want this work to have as its main motivation: Charity.

Being simple transmitters of the Love received from the heart of Christ and imitators of his feelings, but, above all, of his mercy, we hope that others can receive that same grace of having been found by the Mercy that Christ has with us every day. . Mercy by which he has found us and has given us the grace to return to him.

The San Jose Healing Home

The home of the Holy Family had to be based on a profound fraternal, filial, spousal charity.

Saint Joseph exercised his paternity by welcoming the Son of God, lavishing on Him a healthy love that he never intended to possess or make his son in his own image and likeness, but to give her what he was called to give: the home of the virtues.

Just as Saint Joseph impregnated his home with prayer, virtues, fraternity, filiation,betrothal vocation... all in fullness, so we wish in this fraternity, to set this work of the essence of forgiveness, understanding, joy that does not need anything material, balanced and coherent freedom, charity, the integral development of the person.

S. Joseph is the prototype of man after Jesus Christ. He extols the values of masculinity, but above all, teaching men to be a FATHER. To provide his children with the values that man possesses within him: authority, strength, stamina, protection, sacrifice, simplicity in the face of problems.

Eucharistic adoration: the foundation pillar

Based on Jesus Christ the Eucharist, anchor in the spiritual life of all those who wish to grow in union with Him, we are impelled by the Holy Spirit to give that love received in the mission of leading all souls to the Eucharist to find healing. . Only He can heal the most broken hearts. We will only be his collaborators, the instruments so that these souls open their hearts to Christ.

We understand that only through prayer and fraternal life can we be the instruments of the Trinity, to collaborate in the search for the most wounded people, be they: fervent Catholics, but with wounds that prevent them from living coherently; people submerged in addictions, depressions or lack of psychological, affective or spiritual maturity; adolescents who live this stage with complications; marriages in conflict; girls devastated from the scourge of abortion, etc.